Aquí estamos en un nuevo año. Creo que en este punto esperábamos que las cosas volvieran a la normalidad o que las cosas fueran al menos diferentes. Pero no parece ser así. Esta pandemia podría...
Comenzaremos este año con más aspectos positivos que están sucediendo en el mundo y en nuestras comunidades. Terminamos el año 2020 con tantos negativos que es hora de un cambio. Dos grandes cosas que tenemos...
Este año a llegado a su fin. Todos deberíamos tratar de mantener una actitud positiva. Sé que este año ha sido extremadamente difícil. Todos hemos visto tantas luchas. Desde perder familiares y amigos hasta no...
En el pasado en esta época del año nos estamos preparando para pasar tiempo con nuestras familias extendidas, viajar y cocinar. Con el virus todavía poniendo a todos en riesgo parece que no vamos a...
Tómese un momento para pensar en cuánto el coronavirus hafcontento la educación de su hijo. Bueno, ha llegado el momento de que nosotros como padres decidamos si nos gustaría que nuestro hijos continuara aprendiendo virtualmente...
Me entristece decir que aquí estamos de nuevo hablando de las mismas cosas de las que hemos estado hablando desde marzo. Crimen, escuela y el Coronavirus. En primer lugar, permítanme decir que tenemos que seguir...
By: Roxanne Castillo Vengo a ustedes desde un punto de vista diferente este mes. Como hispanos sabía que tenemos miedo de hacernos la prueba. Sabía que tenemos miedo de que otras personas supieran si somos...
By: Roxanne Castillo Se estan pasando los meses, todavía me encuentro tan confundido sobre lo que está sucediendo en el mundo en este momento. Ni siquiera sé por dónde empezar. El coronavirus sigue aquí. No...
Aquí todavía estamos en medio de una crisis. Coronavirus todavía está afectando al mundo entero y no parece estar mejorando. Coronavirus no discrimina. Tenemos que asegurarnos de que seguimos a salvo. Si usted está en...
By: Roxanne Castillo Han pasado tantas cosas en el último mes y sé que es abrumadora. El COVID 19 ha cambiado todo lo que hacemos. En este momento todo el mundo tiene que tratar de...
The best part is that we will be able to spend time with the people we care about while we travel. Since this bizarre illness entered our lives and completely turned them upside down, this is what we had been hoping and praying for. We're going to be independent again now. When our freedom was taken away from us, we were completely bewildered and disoriented. Our independence and strength gave rise to our culture. We do not wish to regress in any way. Be careful when you're with my people. Kindly don't stop getting vaccinations and making sure you always act safely. We will advance as a society and a culture as long as you carry on in this manner. There are still men's battles to come, but consider all the victories we have already achieved. This is what we were designed for. Although the days can be difficult and lengthy, it's nothing we can't manage. Thus, much like in the Puebla battle, we must be prepared and never give up. Though there are a lot of things to be sad about, please look at this picture one day and tell yourself that my people will always be known as winners, leaders, and soldiers on this day. It will always be recognized in our culture that you are a winner. According to Linda Stalters, it is crucial to assist them from the start since psychological problems lead to a refusal to accept treatment because the patients believe nothing is changed. Sus síntomas se manifestan por la mayoría de las personas desde la adolescencia hasta la edad adulta. It can be difficult for most families to distinguish between normal teenage behavior and abnormal behavior. Los primeros indicadores de que los padres deben llevar a su hijos an un psiquiatra son cuando alguien se aislando, si está mirando a su alrededor, oíindo cosas que no existen, o experimentando un poco de paranoia. If someone starts acting differently, it's important to conduct a thorough examination. En relación al cerebro, el síntomo de un tumor cerebral puede resemblar a los de una enfermedad mental en alguien. En otoño de 2018 y primavera de 2019, Lone Star College admitió más de 39,000 estudiantes hispanos, lo cual representa el 36% de la población total de estudiantes. Esto señaló en Hispanic Outlook en Education. El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas Educativas empleó el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Datos de Educación Postsecundaria para determinar las clasificaciones, mediante un método de encuestas."The faculty and staff at Lone Star College did an amazing job last year helping our students finish their education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic," stated Head. "I appreciate your efforts and hope for a better future with you." In order to plan on-site clinics for groups of ten or more, state officials established the Mobile Vaccine Team Call Center via the state hotline as vaccine supply and vaccination rates increased among vulnerable populations. Over 12,000 Texans have received the vaccination since then. Governor Greg Abbott urged "groups of Texans who wish to get vaccinated as a business, family unit, group of friends or more" to plan an event and aid in the fight against the pandemic when he announced this week's project expansion. He declared, "We will continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in communities throughout the state by working together to get more vaccines." Interactive books: Ensure that the books on your child's shelf are ones that will make studying Spanish engaging and entertaining. For instance, children can study words in both English and Spanish about 12 distinct places they adore with the bilingual learning book "100 Words About Places I Go." Children can learn words in two languages about things they can bring and surprises they can find when they visit the beach, school, park, farm, amusement park, and other locations. Each page has ten touch-sensitive areas that teach counting, words, and colors. Puzzles: Due to their ability to enhance cognitive function, puzzles are a great game to introduce vocabulary in both Spanish and English. The Interactive Wooden Animal Puzzle by LeapFrog For instance, as children match six animal puzzle pieces by shape and color, they can hear words in Spanish repeated in English. When children place or remove each piece, they will hear distinct responses that help them learn the names and sounds of the animals as well as colors, numbers, and interesting facts. The chancellor of Lone Star College, Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., stated, "Lone Star College remains committed to helping all students succeed." "This honor is a testament to our faculty and staff, who never stop providing our students with exceptional support and guidance." A small student-to-faculty ratio, a high percentage of online students, a high graduation rate, and the institution's academic influence—as measured by the number of academic contributions made by its faculty in their fields of study and the frequency with which they were cited by other academic works—are just a few of the key metrics that TexasOnlineColleges.com uses to identify academic excellence.