January 29th, 2025

Hard immigration policy does not yield

Original source: http://elmundonewspaper.com/news/2019/sep/19/dura-politica-migratoria-no-cede/

As part of its fight against undocumented immigration, the Trump Administration will begin to apply the new asylum restrictions on the southern border and return unaccompanied children to their countries of origin.

Tens of thousands of immigrants who want asylum in this country must first apply for it in any of the countries they passed through before reaching the southern border. The regulations will be applied retroactively to July 16, and the immigration authorities will return to any immigrant who cannot prove that he requested asylum in another country. This restriction does not apply if an immigrant demonstrates that he requested protection from persecution or torture and received an adjudication of his case in the third countries where they went. If those countries deny them protection, then migrants may apply for asylum on US soil.

Authorities will also return migrant children who reach the southern border without their parents, although unaccompanied children have certain benefits and protections under federal law.


Current US law allows people to apply for asylum at the border, no matter where they entered.

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